Online Appointment
It is sometimes difficult for people to choose between wallpaper and paint, but different uses and applications usually dictate the path you take. If you have decided to use the wallpaper at home or at your work place, you must prefer our company for the Wallpaper installation.
We can help you in choosing the design and color of the wallpaper. you can also select wallpaper from our showroom. We have trained workers who can fix the wallpapers on your walls in no time and your walls will start looking stunning.
We Provide Our Services In The Entire UAE
Old Wallpaper Removal Before New Wallpaper Installation
Once you have chosen a color and a pattern, the first step for our company is to remove any wallpaper that may already be hanging on the wall. Once this process is complete, the wall will now be ready for Wallpaper Installation Dubai. An application will be applied on the wall that will serve as the glue for the wallpaper, and then the wallpaper & wall panels will be rolled on the wall.
Once the installation is complete, we will make sure that it is completely flat and that no bubbles are present. This will give it a painted appearance, but at the same time, offers patterns that are difficult to paint on a wall.
Why Choose Us?
We have been providing Wallpaper installation services for more than 15 years all over the UAE. Our professional workers are highly experienced so they are not going to ruin the look of your wallpaper. Instead, their services can increase the grace of your wallpaper.
Overall, the entire Wallpaper Installation process is efficient, fast, and affordable, and will last a long time. Wallpaper fixing cost in Dubai is high. If you were looking for a different design that simply cannot be used with paint, consider wallpaper as a solution. We can also provide you with a vast range of wallpapers at our stores or online.